The NUSACC organizes seminars, conferences, and periodic business trips and trade missions to Nigeria and the United States


NUSACC Events Gallery

The Mission of the NUSACC is to create an enabling environment to promote cordial business relationships between businesses in Nigeria and the United States. The NUSACC will accomplish this by creating a forum for the exchange of information and ideas about trade, business and investment opportunities in both Nigeria and the United States.

Global Cleveland- Sister City Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.

Panel Discussions: Panelists from the Following: 
1)      Cedric Le Rouge, Executive Director of French American Chamber of Commerce and Honorary Consul General of France, Northern Ohio
2)     Lee O. Kareem, CEO of Nigeria USA Chamber of Commerce
3)     A Representative of British American Chamber of Commerce
4)     A Vice President representing Greater Cleveland Partnership
5)     Steve Stivers, President & CEO, Ohio Chamber of Commerce
6)     Mark A. Owens, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, TeamNeo
7)     Kevin D. Malecek, Director, Economic Development &International Trade, City of Mentor, Ohio

Easy steps to your foreign business success

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

From smoothly navigating through business legislative issues, to information about business opportunities, market analysis, import and export regulations, and much more. We've got you covered.

Easy steps to your foreign business success

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

From smoothly navigating through business legislative issues, to information about business opportunities, market analysis, import and export regulations, and much more. We've got you covered.