NUSACC's bylaws are the guiding principles by which NUSACC operates. The board of directors formulated NUSACC's operating policies for the management team to implement under the direction of the Chief Operating Officer (CEO). NUSACC will implement policies as spelled out by tasks through committees in accordance with the provisions of its bylaws.



Section 5.1: Board Size, Role, and Composition: The NUSACC will be governed by a 15-member Board of Directors who will be made up of Nigerians residing in the United States, Nigerian-Americans, and Americans. Members of the board must be wellaccomplished and successful business men and women. The business and affairs of the NUSACC shall be managed by the Board of Directors as its policy making body, which may exercise all powers and authority granted to the NUSACC by law.

Section 5.2: Term of Office: Members of the board shall be elected to a term of 5 years in the first instance, and shall be eligible for re-election.

Section 5.3: Functions of the Board: The Board shall execute the following functions:

  1. Direct all the activities of the NUSACC.
  2. Appoint the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NUSACC, and exercise other oversight authorities, including appraising the CEO’s performance, and applying disciplinary action, including termination where appropriate.
  3. Assist the CEO in implementing the various activities and programs of the NUSACC.
  4. Assist the CEO in speaking for the NUSACC at public events and forums.
  5. Approve the NUSACC budget.
  6. Elect the officers of the Board and members of committees.

Section 5.4: Nominations for Board Directorship: Any Board Director may nominate a candidate for directorship. The nomination shall be approved by a majority of the members of the current Board who are present at the voting.

Section 5.5: Removal of Board Directors: Any Board Director may be removed from office without assigning any cause by a vote of the majority of members of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.6: Executive Offices and Duties: There shall be 3 executive officers of the board, consisting of the Chairperson, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. Their duties are as follows:

The Chairperson shall convene regularly scheduled board meetings; shall preside over
the meetings, or nominate another board member to preside in his or her absence.

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of board meetings, taking minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting notices, and distributing copies of minutes and agenda of board meetings.

The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each board meeting. The Treasurer shall also be a signatory to the NUSACC bank account, and shall chair the Financial Committee of the board; and assist in preparing the financial plans of the NUSACC.

Section 5.7: Quorum: The quorum of the board shall be 5 members, including an officer.

Section 5.8: Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy, nominations for new Board members may be sent by current Board members to the Secretary at least two weeks in advance of a board meeting. Non Board members of the NUSACC may send their nominations to the Secretary for consideration. Names of nominees shall be sent to Board members along with the notice of regular Board meetings, to be voted upon at the next board meeting. Appointment of a Board member shall be by a simple majority vote of all Board members present at the meeting.

Section 5.9: Resignations, Terminations, and Absences: Resignation from the Board must be in writing and the notice of resignation must be received by the Secretary two weeks before the next scheduled Board meeting. The Secretary shall inform other members of the Board of the impending resignation. A Board member shall be removed for excessive absences from board meetings, or if he or she has 3 unexcused absences in one year. A Board member may be removed for other reasons (such as misdemeanors, etc.) by a simple majority of Board members present.

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